Tom Select
Basic Select

The "Basic Select" component provides a simple dropdown menu for selecting options from a list. It's a fundamental UI element for collecting user input in the form of a single choice from multiple options.

Example code / preview
                HTMLOpenTag!-- BEGIN: Basic Select --HTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagdiv class="mt-2"HTMLCloseTag
                                                        HTMLOpenTagselect data-placeholder="Select your favorite actors" class="tom-select w-full"HTMLCloseTag
    HTMLOpenTagoption value="1"HTMLCloseTagLeonardo DiCaprioHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                            HTMLOpenTagoption value="2"HTMLCloseTagJohnny DeepHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                            HTMLOpenTagoption value="3"HTMLCloseTagRobert Downey, JrHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                            HTMLOpenTagoption value="4"HTMLCloseTagSamuel L. JacksonHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                            HTMLOpenTagoption value="5"HTMLCloseTagMorgan FreemanHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                HTMLOpenTag!-- END: Basic Select --HTMLCloseTag
                                                HTMLOpenTag!-- BEGIN: Nested Select --HTMLCloseTag
                                                HTMLOpenTagdiv class="mt-3"HTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagdiv class="mt-2"HTMLCloseTag
                                                        HTMLOpenTagselect data-placeholder="Select your favorite actors" class="tom-select w-full"HTMLCloseTag
    HTMLOpenTagoptgroup label="American Actors"HTMLCloseTag
                                                                HTMLOpenTagoption value="1"HTMLCloseTagLeonardo DiCaprioHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                                HTMLOpenTagoption value="2"HTMLCloseTagJohnny DeepHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                                HTMLOpenTagoption value="3"HTMLCloseTagRobert Downey, JrHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                                HTMLOpenTagoption value="4"HTMLCloseTagSamuel L. JacksonHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                                HTMLOpenTagoption value="5"HTMLCloseTagMorgan FreemanHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                            HTMLOpenTagoptgroup label="American Actresses"HTMLCloseTag
                                                                HTMLOpenTagoption value="6"HTMLCloseTagScarlett JohanssonHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                                HTMLOpenTagoption value="7"HTMLCloseTagJessica AlbaHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                                HTMLOpenTagoption value="8"HTMLCloseTagJennifer LawrenceHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                                HTMLOpenTagoption value="9"HTMLCloseTagEmma StoneHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                                HTMLOpenTagoption value="10"HTMLCloseTagAngelina JolieHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                HTMLOpenTag!-- END: Nested Select --HTMLCloseTag

The "Basic Select" component provides a straightforward way to incorporate dropdown menus into your web application. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily create and customize dropdowns to collect user input or make selections from a list of options.

Multiple Select

The "Multiple Select" component allows users to select multiple options from a list. It's a versatile UI element often used in scenarios where users need to make multiple selections, such as choosing multiple items from a list of available options.

Example code / preview
                HTMLOpenTagselect data-placeholder="Select your favorite actors" multiple="multiple" class="tom-select w-full"HTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLCloseTagLeonardo DiCaprioHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagoption value="2"HTMLCloseTagJohnny DeepHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLCloseTagRobert Downey, JrHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagoption value="4"HTMLCloseTagSamuel L. JacksonHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagoption value="5"HTMLCloseTagMorgan FreemanHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag

The "Multiple Select" component using TomSelect provides an easy and user-friendly way for users to make multiple selections from a list of options. It's highly customizable and can be adapted to various use cases in your web application.


The "TomSelect" component is a versatile select input library that allows you to create customized dropdowns and multi-select inputs. In this section, we'll explore how to enhance your "TomSelect" component by adding a header to the dropdown. This can be particularly useful when you want to provide context or group items within the dropdown.

Example code / preview
                HTMLOpenTagselect data-placeholder="Select your favorite actors" data-header="Actors" multiple="multiple" class="tom-select w-full"HTMLCloseTag
    HTMLOpenTagoption value="1"HTMLCloseTagLeonardo DiCaprioHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLCloseTagJohnny DeepHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLCloseTagRobert Downey, JrHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagoption value="4"HTMLCloseTagSamuel L. JacksonHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLCloseTagMorgan FreemanHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag

By adding a header to your "TomSelect" component, you can provide valuable context and grouping for the options within the dropdown. This enhances the user experience and helps users make informed selections. Customize the header title to match your application's requirements and design. The "TomSelect" library offers various plugins to further extend the functionality of your select inputs.

Input Group

The "TomSelect" component, combined with an input group, allows you to create a stylish and functional select input with a custom icon or character preceding it. This is useful when you want to provide additional context to the select input.

Example code / preview
                HTMLOpenTagdiv class="flex"HTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagdiv class="flex"HTMLCloseTag
                                                            class="z-30 -mr-1 flex w-10 items-center justify-center rounded-l border bg-slate-100 text-slate-600 dark:border-darkmode-800 dark:bg-darkmode-700 dark:text-slate-400"HTMLCloseTag
                                                        HTMLOpenTagselect class="tom-select w-full"HTMLCloseTag
    HTMLOpenTagoption value="1"HTMLCloseTagLeonardo DiCaprioHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                            HTMLOpenTagoption value="2"HTMLCloseTagJohnny DeepHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                            HTMLOpenTagoption value="3"HTMLCloseTagRobert Downey, JrHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                            HTMLOpenTagoption value="4"HTMLCloseTagSamuel L. JacksonHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                            HTMLOpenTagoption value="5"HTMLCloseTagMorgan FreemanHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag

Combining the "TomSelect" component with an input group allows you to create a select input with a personalized icon or character preceding it. This feature enhances the user interface and provides a unique visual representation for your select input, making it more user-friendly and visually appealing.


The "TomSelect" component can be easily configured to be disabled, preventing users from interacting with it. This feature is useful when you want to display a select input that should not be altered or selected by the user.

Example code / preview
                HTMLOpenTagselect disabled="disabled" class="tom-select w-full"HTMLCloseTag
    HTMLOpenTagoption value="1"HTMLCloseTagLeonardo DiCaprioHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagoption value="2"HTMLCloseTagJohnny DeepHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagoption value="3"HTMLCloseTagRobert Downey, JrHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagoption value="4"HTMLCloseTagSamuel L. JacksonHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagoption value="5"HTMLCloseTagMorgan FreemanHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag

The "TomSelect" component can be easily disabled by setting the disabled attribute to true, making it unselectable and preventing user interaction. This feature is particularly useful when you want to display a select input that is for informational purposes only and should not be altered by users. You can customize the appearance and content of the disabled "TomSelect" to fit your application's style and layout. Incorporate it into your application as needed to create a user-friendly and accessible interface.

Disabled Option

The "TomSelect" component allows you to create select inputs with disabled options. Disabled options are elements within the dropdown menu that cannot be selected by users. This can be helpful for providing additional context or indicating unavailable choices within a select input.

Example code / preview
                HTMLOpenTagselect class="tom-select w-full"HTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLCloseTagLeonardo DiCaprioHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagoption value="2"HTMLCloseTagJohnny DeepHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagoption value="3"HTMLCloseTagRobert Downey, JrHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLCloseTagSamuel L. JacksonHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag
                                                    HTMLOpenTagoption value="5"HTMLCloseTagMorgan FreemanHTMLOpenTag/optionHTMLCloseTag

The "TomSelect" component allows you to include disabled options within a select input. These disabled options are displayed in the dropdown menu but cannot be selected by users. You can use disabled options to provide additional information or indicate choices that are currently unavailable.

Component API

In this section, you will find detailed information about the available props, classes, and options that can be used with the component. Understanding these properties is essential for customizing and configuring the component to suit your specific requirements.

Below is a list of props that can be passed to the component:

Prop Type Description
`value` `string` or `string[]` The selected value(s) in the TomSelect component.
`onOptionAdd` `(value: string) => void` A callback function that is called when an option is added.
`onChange` `(value: `string` or `string[]`) => void` A callback function that is called when the selected value(s) change.
`options` `TomSettings` TomSelect configuration options.
`getRef` `(el: TomSelectElement) => void` A function that receives a reference to the TomSelect input element.